Monday, February 6, 2012

I See the Moon…The Moon Sees Bertha…

The moon was shining through the kitchen window this morning as I poured my coffee…and yes…I took a moment to savor it…it was big and round and beautiful…it looked like the full moon…I Googled it…it won’t be full until tomorrow…
So…I’m wondering…when the moon is full…does it still have room for Jello…or does it push back its plate…and say enough already…
And…what does it take to get it full…when it’s not quite there…a second helping of mashed potatoes…bowl of ice cream…slice of cheese cake…chocolate…
Or…is it more of a sense of completeness that it needs…a degree…a house…a bigger house…a convertible…a relationship…a promotion…
What does it take to fill the moon…
Bertha says it’s a lot like my life…you probably saw that coming didn’t you…yeah…me too…everything is a lot like my life in her opinion
It’s really already full…no mashed potatoes or promotion needed…it’s always full…I just can’t see it at the moment…it needs to turn just a bit…then I can catch a glimpse of the fullness of it…as it begins to turn the other way…


  1. Feb. 6, 2012
    At 12:30 a.m. I arose to such a flood of Moonlight in the room that I did not need to turn on my bed lamp. I have been feeling quite full myself lately, with friends, ideas, projects,taking time to walk a few miles a day outside in the fresh air, noticing Spring trying to bud. Too busy to not be full of happiness! I think the full-ish moon makes me feel romantic, even about Pushkins snoring at my feet here ( next to the computer), and all the cuddly dreams Pushkins must be having! Tomorrow will be even more satisfying, I believe........

    1. Sandra...what a beautiful description...this is a beautiful time...not quite winter...not yet spring...and the full moon shining on all of it...enjoy your time...and give my best to Pushkins!
