Friday, February 10, 2012

A Second Time for Almost Everything…

The School of Essential Ingredients by Erica Bauermeister…was the first book I read…when I got home from the hospital last year…there wasn’t much I felt like doing…but…if I curled around…just so…I could get in a position on the sofa…that supported my heavy head…and I could read…
It was the perfect book for me at the time…it was soft…it was comforting…I could almost smell the food they were cooking…reading it…made me want to eat…it made me want to cook…it made me want to live…it made me want to read…a lot…and I did…finishing it in a couple of days…
It was an easy suggestion for book group this month…
Interestingly…I’m finding…as I reread it…that I’m enjoying it even more…the softness…the texture…I’m not in a hurry…I’m savoring the words…I’m letting them soak in…
The experience has made me realize…how often I read too quickly…so enthralled by the plot…wanting to know what is going to happen…that I miss the words…the delicacies of the pictures painted…the true beauty of the book…
It’s a pattern that I’m seeing repeated in my life…the need to…savor the coffee…breathe deeply…look for the joy in the moment…read slowly…do one thing at a time…be present…
Thankfully…there’s another cup of coffee…another breath…another moment…another chance to read…or reread…another chance to slow down…and be present…

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