Thursday, February 9, 2012

Keep Your Eyes to Yourself…

Personal success…can only be measured…using your own stick…
Keep your eyes to yourself…every student has heard it…every teacher has said it…
Being neither…I was unprepared when Bertha shouted those words to me at the gym this morning…I was on the middle of three treadmills…dreadmills as a friend calls them…and I admit…I couldn’t resist the urge to sneak a peek at the other screens…
This is what I saw…thought…
First…the guy to my right…so…that’s what eight miles an hour looks like…I’ll never make that…that’s like twice as fast as I go for my fast lap…he’s not even breathing hard…he’s probably burning a gazillion calories…not like me…poking along…
Next…woman on my left…so…she’s only going three miles an hour…that’s my slow pace…she’d probably do better if she did like me…and did intervals…so she could have some faster speeds…I’m probably burning more calories than her…
So…what was wrong with that…why was Bertha shouting…aside from the fact that was hard to hear above the treadmills and my iPod…
Well…she says it was because…comparing myself to others…whether favorably…or unfavorably…is totally nonproductive…that the only comparison that matters is me to me…it doesn’t matter if it’s my gym workout…my writing…the size of my house…or even my love life…
And…she’s right…again…give me a break…unlike me…she’s never wrong…wait…help…I’m doing it again…geez…

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