Thursday, December 15, 2011

Taking a Stand…More than Just Jumping on a Soapbox…

The details of yesterday’s blog were blurred…to protect the sensitive nature of the actual situation that I am upset about…it really isn’t mine to share in a public forum…
But…I feel I need to tell you that…there is no Susie…well…I’m sure there is one…somewhere…and my friend Laura said…wasn’t it wonderful how much support she got here yesterday…I hadn’t thought of it in that light…and she’s right…there are no mistakes…hopefully…Susie did…or will read your loving responses to her…and she will be able to make changes in her life…
I do know that you have definitely helped me make the decision to take a stand regarding the situation that is bothering me…and I thank you…I apologize if this has been confusing…
Now…that has me thinking about the finer points of taking a stand…it’s more than just borrowing one of Bertha’s soapboxes…and…yelling loudly for the world to hear…from my experiences…that accomplishes very little…
It’s about choosing my battles carefully…I learned that when dealing with my once-husband…we got along much better and solved things more easily when we didn’t sweat the small stuff…
It’s about approaching lovingly…rather than in anger…focusing on the positives of the situation…on the presumed good intentions of all involved…
It’s about keeping my fists unclenched…so my ears can hear…and really listening to all sides of the situation…
It’s about taking responsibility…even though I didn’t cause the situation…I’m aware of it…it’s part of my life now…I am responsible for taking action…that’s part of the Forgiveness Prayer…
It’s about being willing to be part of the solution…and this is the hardest part for me…I really want to say…okay…this is the problem…I really don’t know how to solve it…but…somebody needs to call somebody…and ya’ll need to straighten it out…let me know when it’s finished…
It’s about talking with the people who can actually make a difference…instead of just standing on the soapbox…complaining to somebody and anybody that nobody is doing anything…
So…I’m taking a stand…I’m going to talk to the appropriate person…I’m not sure of the outcome…the situation may not change…but…I know without a doubt…that it won’t…if I don’t at least take a stand…


  1. I love your stance on taking a stand... you go girl.

    When it comes from love, and your intentions are clear, amazing things happen.

  2. Thank you, Jenn...I think wonderful things are about to happen...just don't know what yet!
