Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Honey…Hand Me a Towel…

The trouble with kids today…I’ve heard it said…they don’t have enough ambition…they don’t know what they want to do with their lives…they’re confused…wander aimlessly…
I’m just glad my granddaughters don’t follow suit…
Case in point…my three year-old granddaughter…when asked what she wants to be when she grows up…she answered…a towel…why…because…they clean you up…
So…today…when you get out of the shower…and reach for your towel…smile…because…some little girl’s dreams just may have come true…
I’m just glad she didn’t say a doormat…


  1. Out of the mouths of babes... LOVE IT!!!

    Can I share a funny kid story? Well, I'm gonna... LOL!!

    One of my girlfriends has three daughters. And, their tradition was to ask for input on baby names from the older girls. When Kayla was expecting her first baby sister, her name suggestion was Amanda. They actually ended up loving the name, and so, daughter #2 was named Amanda.

    When they were expecting daughter #3, they asked Amanda for name input - figuring she would be just as creative as her older sister... her suggestion?


    They went with Sasha... but, to this day, the poor child is still affectionately known in some circles as Doorknob... LOL!!

  2. Jenn...that is too do they come up with this stuff?

    Oh...and...the 'towel' wants to be a beautiful princess...they change so quickly!
