Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Paradox Found…

Somehow…there’s something fundamentally wrong…with eating a candy bar…while reading a continuing education article about weight loss surgery…and…yet…I did…
Funny thing is…before that…I couldn’t remember the last time I’d had a candy bar…of course…Bertha…nudged me…it hadn’t been that long…okay…I admit it…geez…it hadn’t…but…before that one…really…it had been a while…but I digress…
So…why…I wondered…how…did I find myself…reading about weight loss…and eating a candy bar…at the same time…it just didn’t make sense…even though…I wasn’t considering having the surgery…I was definitely thinking about the pounds I needed to lose…when the urge for chocolate suddenly overwhelmed me…I had a dollar…and there was a Snickers bar…just down the hall…I didn’t resist…
Kind of like…eating a large pizza…while watching…The Biggest Loser…well…I might have done that…but…honestly…I never did…at least…not the whole thing…maybe just a couple of slices…geez…
Bertha…tells me…it’s called…denial…and…that’s not…a river in Egypt…but…it’s just as full of crocodiles…snapping away at my happiness…by keeping me from living the fullness…of living my truth…
Hmmm...what can I say…she’s right…I have been known to bury my head in the sand…on more than one occasion…and…the sand in my ears…is really irritating…I might add…
So…how…do I fess up…look life straight in the eye…she says…start with the Forgiveness Prayer…start with…I love you…I’m sorry…Please forgive me…Thank you…directed to my spirit…she says…to always start with love…because…love is the truth of who I am…and that’s what it’s all about…
I have found the paradox…that if you love until it hurts…there can be no more hurt…only more love…  ~  Mother Teresa


  1. LOL a few weeks ago I ate chocolate-chip ice cream while I watched the Biggest Loser! I totally understand what you mean. Oh that Bertha, there she goes nudging you again ! :)

    1. Thank you Christy...I knew I couldn't be the only one! LOL! Yes...that Bertha nudges me all too often...or...not often enough...thanks for stopping by and sharing your cookie with me!
