Yesterday was the perfect day…for
pulling weeds…it was cloudy and cool…and then it rained…and remained pleasant
for a couple of hours until the sun came out…so the temperature was just right…and
the ground was soft…perfect for weed pulling…
I have to admit…I’ve had plenty of…reasons…AKA…excuses…for not completing the job before…I’m not sure why yesterday
inspired me…maybe…it was a blog I read recently…about how spiritual it felt to
And…quite honestly…the entire
experience of being out in nature…hearing the birds…feeling the breeze…smelling
the nearby roses…and…just being alone with my thoughts…actually was spiritual…but…so
is sitting in my Granny’s rocker…so…don’t get too excited…
Anyway…as I was pulling weeds from
the dry creek…I decided it was time to clean out the pot from last year’s
asparagus fern…it had become infested with vetch…that had wandered over…from
the empty lot next door…I wasn’t sure what I wanted to plant there…but…job one
was to clean it out…as I clipped away at the vetch…I noticed the strangest
thing…right in the center of last year’s dead fronds…was…a baby asparagus fern…pretty
as you please…it was a mild winter…it hadn’t completely died…I carefully…trimmed
out the dead fronds and weeds…delighted with my baby fern…
Then…there was the pot of lamb’s
ear…it had hung in there for most of the winter…before biting the dust…I
started to clean out the pot…and…yep…there were the cutest little lamb’s ears
you ever wanted to pet…right there under all those dead leaves…
The mosquito geranium…is making a comeback
as well…
Now…I’m not promoting
procrastination…although…I could be the
poster child…it did make me think…if I had dumped these plants in March…like
I kept telling myself that I should…I would have thrown away…my baby plants…
What I’m thinking is…I really wasn’t
procrastinating after all…I was listening to my instinct…and…my instinct…said…wait…at least…that’s my story…and I’m
sticking to it…
her eyes…and…said something about…even a blind pig…finding…a truffle once in a
Hmmm…wonder what
she meant by that…
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