Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I Am…All That…

I’m tired…I probably say that phrase…at least…ten times a day…maybe more…and…I usually…sigh…as I say it…I suppose…just to prove the truth of my words…
I hadn’t paid much attention to it…until a friend…remarked…you’re always tired…hmmm…busted…
Now…you know that conversation…led to a tête-à-tête with…Bertha…who pointed out…something that I have known for a while…but…tend to forget…
And…that’s the power…of the words…I Am
I Am…is creative…and…brings the words that follow…into being…so…when…I say…I’m tired…I’ve created more tired…at least ten times a day…
So…I think about my self-talk…and…all the negative…I Am…statements that I make in a day…it ain’t a pretty list…the words…broke…fat…lazy…ugly…tired…exhausted…quickly come to mind…and…I consider myself to be a pretty positive person…
I think I’ll spend some time…in…the contemplation chair…about this…do the Forgiveness Prayer…think about how to rephrase…my self-talk…but…for now…it’s been a full day…I think I’ll rest
So…if…next time we’re chatting… those illustrious words…I am tired…or any other negative…I Am…statement…escapes my lips…feel free to slap me…to get my attention…okay…not really...get out of that line…that was a joke…geez


  1. I am...going to be more aware of my I am statements!! Thanks for holding my mirror so I can see myself and the smudges I need to remove!!

    1. Marynell...thank you for your comment...I love your phrasing...and...yes...we all have those smudges don't we...have a wonderful day...friend...
