Thursday, March 1, 2012

Into the Meadow…

My writing life is expanding…and…I like that…I think…I have become so comfortable in the little spot that I’ve carved out for myself…that…I’m not sure who I’ll be in a more open space…
I’m reading Bambi…not the Walt Disney version…but the original book…I feel like Bambi…on his first trip from the secluded spot in the forest…to the open expanse of the meadow…
The meadow…filled with delight…discovery…adventure…but…also…caution…possibly danger…
My writing is taking me into the meadow…I’ve written before…I’ve published before…but…this time is different…it’s more expansive…somehow…
Maybe…this meadow isn’t really bigger…but…it feels like it is…like Bambi…I’m growing…my legs are less wobbly…my spots are fading…I’m learning…I’m listening…I’m writing…
And…while…in this moment…this feels like it’s about writing…I know that it is also…about a bigger picture…I know…because…Bertha is hitting me over the head with the skillet again…
Reminding me that whether it is writing…relationships…jobs…or…so many areas of life…I am constantly…retreating into the woods…then venturing back into the meadow…a meadow…that feels bigger with each trip…but…my legs are less wobbly…my spots are fading…I’m learning…I’m listening…I’m being…


  1. Good for you stepping out into the meadow! Watch out for the hunters though... I believe in the computer world they are called haters. I've got your back!
