Monday, March 26, 2012

Mist on the Water…

I came across this passage…in my journal…yes…the one that I write in…that you aren’t supposed to see…but…I…thought it was worthy of sharing…
Mist on the water…evaporates into nothingness…water…seems solid…but…always…evaporating into mist…into air…into nothing…so it is in life…troubles appear solid…but…they aren’t…they are evaporating…first to mist…then to air…then to nothing…the mist is just the evidence that the evaporation has begun…no mist…it’s beyond that point…doesn’t mean it hasn’t started…
Interestingly enough…I don’t remember writing it…don’t remember exactly what triggered it…what emotions I was feeling that day…what issues I was having…but…I’m glad I found it again…I’m glad I reconnected with that part of me…that’s what I love about writing…I connect with pieces of myself…that I wasn’t aware of…and…then…I can put them together…in a new way…