Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Path…

Promises…seems I’m on a roll…
I looked back to my very first post this morning…here it is five months later…and…I’m on number one hundred forty-seven…I bring it up…because…I focused on not promising anything…not to you…not to me…I only committed to writing…as Spirit led me…
And…I’ve done that…
In the process…I’ve written almost every day…expressing things that sometimes were a surprise even to me…as they unfolded on the page…emotions…happy…and…sad…found an outlet…as my fingers tapped the keyboard…
It has been a healing experience for me…encouraging…and not just from the kind words that my readers leave me…telling me…that they too experience similar feelings…although that is tremendous encouragement…
But…encouraging from the standpoint…of…showing me that I capable of stepping into who I truly am…and…although…the path isn’t always comfortable…it’s okay…I can travel it…I don’t have to know where it’s going…not exactly…I’m going where I need to go…
I think that’s the hardest part…for me…the not knowing exactly where it’s going to lead me…I went to college…I got a degree in nursing…that was a concrete path…I was a nurse…I pretty much knew what to expect…I could get a job…I could support myself…
Writing…totally different…when I write…it’s a rocky, earthen path…it meanders through the woods…it only makes one demand…one promise…and they are the same…to be who I truly am…I have to take it…
That feels both comforting and unsettling…and yet…I have a need to write…to share…to be open…to feel…to heal…to live my truth…to be heard…to be understood…to be loved…
And…isn’t that what we all want…regardless of the path we are walking…


  1. I love you and your writing Jane. I also feel that I understand you and you are right, that is what we all need. Keep it up my friend. You inspire me...

    1. I love you to, Cheri...we do understand each other so well...that's why we're such good friends...thanks for stopping by today...you brighten my days!

  2. I am so glad you choose to write. I'm tremendously glad it inspires you... enlivens you... and reveals things to you about you that you didn't even know would be revealed.

    I'm grateful that you write because you inspire me... you enliven me... and you've shown me that I too have the courage to walk my path.

    My path is about to change in a BIG way. I asked Universe to help me step fully into my path and WOW did it answer. My schedule, life as I know is about to shift is a big beautiful way.

    I'm a little afraid... well - already - I'm A LOT afraid. The first thing that happens when change hits is, I freak out. I get REALLY scared of the change.

    Today... reading your words, I know it's going to be ok. And I know this is exactly what I've been waiting for, and that it's all good.

    Thank you for writing - you've given me courage, inspiration, and a swift kick in the rear when necessary ;)

    1. Jenn...I love being a part of your path...it is about to open into a beautiful meadow...how beautiful that is going to be...you keep walking the path...I'll keep writing...

  3. Way to go Jane! Congratulations on so many successful blog posts. I am along for the ride my new friend.

    1. Thank you...Christy...I'm so enjoying getting to know you...thanks for 'riding' with me...
