Sunday, February 19, 2012

Not So…Everyday Magic…

There’s a certain magic to the lowly kitchen table…oh…not…the hocus pocus…pull a rabbit out of the hat magic…it’s the magic that knits families together…
The kitchen table is where…homework is done…crafts are made…meals are shared…and the best…most heartfelt…conversations take place…
I enjoyed such a magical evening last night…
The invitation to my sister’s for chicken stew…was simple enough…the high school was selling stew…she was buying a gallon…thought she’d invite just the sisters…and Mama…no extended family…to eat…
I had other plans…probably couldn’t make it…sorry…
But…as things work out…I got through in time to go…a bit late…but…I made it…the men were already retiring to the den…for conversations of golf and ball…a game of some sort was playing on TV…
I’d already eaten…but…there’s always room for brownies and ice cream…the four women naturally gravitated around the table…I can’t remember the last time…it was like that…no children…however grown…no business to be discussed…no hustle…no bustle…
I’m not certain of everything we talked about…a little religion…a little politics…a few aches and pains…just…life in general…the topics of conversation…really…of little consequence…because…it was magic…a Mama…and her daughters…sitting around the kitchen table…just enjoying being together…
And…it doesn’t happen every day…


  1. Wonderful blog! You are so right, these moments do not happen often. But, when they do, it's like a wonderful, deep breath of fresh air (scented with chocolate chip cookies!!!)

    1. Thanks...Tamylee...I love the chocolate chip cookie scented air...feels so soothing...just like our evening! Thanks for stopping by...
