Saturday, February 4, 2012

Juan Valdez…Couldn’t Start the Day Without Him…

In response to my frustration this week…Bertha…has been reminding me…gently with that skillet to the head…to slow down…be in the present moment…to fully engage in what I am doing…to savor the joy that is hidden in the chaos…
I must not have been listening…so…she left me a note by the coffee pot…that said…
Read this…out loud…
I’m grateful that Juan Valdez and his burrow got up early…and went out to pick these coffee beans…at their peak of flavor…I’m grateful that someone processed them…shipped them to my local store…and that the store was open at a convenient time…so that I could purchase a bag of coffee…in my favorite grind and flavor…I am grateful that I have a wonderful electric coffee pot…with a timer…so that the coffee is ready when I get up in the morning…I’m grateful that I have these beautiful coffee mugs…that are just the right size…and shape…I love to feel the warmth of the coffee against my hand…
Wow…she definitely got my attention…although…I love my morning coffee…I must admit…I usually don’t give it my full attention…for more than the first sip…anyway…
It goes more like…pull up the sheets…take a sip…pull up the bedspread…take a sip…put on makeup…take a sip…work on the blog…take a sip…I have too much to do in the morning…to just sit with my coffee…
Or…do I…maybe I have too much to do…not to take two minutes…and just savor the coffee…find the joy in the chaos of my coming day…I think I’ll go…sit in the contemplation chair…with a cup...and see how it goes…


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Edie...I saw a beautiful sunset tonight...thought of you and some of the beautiful ones you have captured!

  2. Ah yes, nothing more rewarding than giving that first cup the full attention it deserves.

    Bertha is so wise ( in her own kind of way )

    I find just sitting in that special place brings the day into better focus. Seperates the important from the fluff.

    Make it a regulat start my friend...the world will wait.:)

    1. Yes...Bea...she is wise...and it is funny...I do take time in the morning to get ready for the day...quiet time...but during that time...I'm not drinking coffee...I think I just need to take 2 minutes...and savor the are right...the world will wait...
