Monday, February 13, 2012

Double or Nothing…

To snow…or…not to snow…I hear Mother Nature’s trying to figure that out this morning…me…there’s no figuring…I say…NOT
I know…they aren’t predicting an actual…snow event…and…don’t get me wrong…I’m not anti-snow…I love to look out at that peaceful white blanket as much as anyone…and it was fun playing in it with the grandkids last Christmas…I just don’t want to make-up any school days this year…
I love working for the school system…I love that they take the safety of our children…and me…seriously…I love those unexpected days at home…I just hate making them up at the end of the year…see…I’m still a kid at heart…summer break is my favorite time of year…
So…now my mind…Bertha…actually…is…going in all sorts of directions…about things in life that we miss…and what if we had to make them up…
Miss dinner…well…you have to eat double tomorrow…hmmm…I might like that…just saying…didn’t mean I was gonna do it…who made you the food police…geez…
Miss Church a few times…next Sunday…wear something comfy…this could take a while…if ya know what I mean…
Miss a doctor’s appointment…yep…two of everything next time in…hmmm…does that really mean two mammograms…it does…man oh man…
Picture me doing the Scarlett O’Hara pledge…as God is my witness…I promise…I’ll never miss another mammogram again…and…yes…that is a turnip that I’m holding…what’s wrong with you today…
Finally got an excuse to miss that family gathering…uh huh…double it dude…you gotta make that up…
Okay…I think I’ve settled down…not sure about Bertha…she’s still thinking of things…but…I have to go to work…and keep my fingers crossed…no snow…although…getting out early would be fine…we don’t have to make that up…okay…maybe…a light dusting…just saying…


  1. such a funny blog!!I love hearing your thoughts!!way to go!!

    1. Thanks, Cathy...I appreciate your note and visit...glad I made you smile.
