Wednesday, February 15, 2012

More Ado…

This lesson wasn’t over…sometimes…like the Energizer Bunny…they just keep going…and going…and going…
Anyway…yesterday…I was having a conversation with the Principal…no…I hadn’t been called to his office…it wasn’t me who rang the fire alarm bell and got everyone out of class…geez…why do you always blame me for everything…anyway…I was talking with the Principal…about some potentially unhealthy pranks the kids have been playing lately…and one of his comments was…
Peer pressure
And…I thought…is that not another part of what I was just blogging about…what will people think…the same concept…that…can make me be good…also…can get me in trouble…what will people think…if I don’t go along with the rest of the group…the bullies…the pranksters…what will they think…if I stand up…and say enough…
Peer pressure
Obviously…a problem with our children…although it has changed a bit since our youth…there’s still the conversation…about following the crowd…
Just because little Johnny jumps off a bridge…doesn’t mean you have tounless…of course…it’s videoed and on YouTube…and if it is…have fun…and be sure to send me the URL…we’ll use it as part of the eulogy…
Peer pressure
Where does it come from…
I had to say…they learn it from us…we…collectively…as a society…not just me and the Principal…geez…you do blame everything on me
We…show them every day…how we succumb to peer pressure…the way we dress…the cars we drive…the houses we buy…the people we please…we think we don’t fall prey to it…but we do…it is so very different from theirs…but…peer pressure…all the same…
So…where is this lesson going for me…is it ever going to end…may I take the batteries out of that bunny…please…Simon…may I…
Bertha…says this is gonna be one of those ongoing lessons…one that I’ll be reminded of time and time again…as I seek the balance between…living my truth…being who I am…and fitting into society…she reminds me…that no woman is an island…nor would I want to be…I’d miss you way too much…even when you pick on me
PS…be sure to check out the bunny link above…it’s really funny…funny…bunny…it rhymes…but seriously…it’s da bomb…

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