Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Ms. Clean…

Yesterday…I wrote about my house…it was a good thing…reminded me of how much I do love living here…reminded me of how meticulous I was about keeping everything…just so…when I moved in…reminded me of how that felt…
Feeling inspired…I decided to set things right…again…now…it wasn’t that the place was trashed…just a small stack of mail on the table…a throw here…a throw there…pillows out of whack on the sofa…a drawer open…
Okay…maybe it was trashed…take your white gloves off…nobody asked you to inspect…see if I ever invite you over again…geez…but…I digress…
It only took about ten minutes…to do…everything…that needed to be done…ten short minutes…that made all the difference in the way things felt when I got home…
The house seemed brighter…more peaceful…more energetic…more cheerful…all at the same time…
It felt good to be home…
Makes me wonder…why…I let things slide…why I settle for less than what I really want…when…it’s really so easy to have it…just ten minutes…here and there…and it’s done…
And…then…I remember…it’s not that I’m settling for less…it’s just that I’m writing now…and…I’m finding my way…how do I work it all in…how do I fit the puzzle pieces together…
I’m not sure I have the answer…Bertha…says I’ll figure it out…in my own time…in my own way…in the meantime…she’s handing me the Swiffer…she says…I might as well finish the job…while I contemplate…
Maybe…just maybe…that’s how I do it…


  1. Can Bertha come visit? I need help!!!!!!

    1. Of course she can...Arlene...but...wait...she's already there...

    2. Jane, I did a massive clean before my surgery so I would not have to sit here day in and out looking at stuff that needed to be done. Like you I love my house and don't know why I don't keep it this way all the time. I think it is "life" getting in the way. Another thing I always think about. Laying on my death bed I don't want to think I wished I spent more time with my hubby. So when he is home I try to sit with him, just being together. Therefore somethings go undone. Give Bertha a hug for me. :-)

    3. Betty...I did the same thing before my surgery last year...cleaned top to bottom...cause I knew it would be a while before I could clean again!

      Sounds to me like your priorities are right on...makes me think of the poem about a mother and baby...and babies don't keep...neither do husbands...

      Hope you are feeling better very soon!

  2. Jane, you are quite right that if we take a few minutes a day to organize we could stay on top of the jobs... but I am the same sigh and sometimes put off tasks... oh dear! Days can just get so busy with other things sometimes!

    1. Christy...I do like it neat...but I can't function if it's too neat...gotta stay creative...
