Monday, January 2, 2012

True Confessions of a Middle-Aged Blogger…

I recently read a blog…about how to blog…it was very helpful…first it said to write everything…then delete at least half of it…I’d already figured that out…quite often it’s about the third paragraph that becomes the first…I wonder if you’ll get to read this one…hmmm…we’ll see…
Another of his tips was to tell your readers things that they don’t know about you…and yet another…was to honestly tell about your shortcomings…
Today I have decided to combine those two…and as painful as it is…here goes…
When I was young…much younger…about 55 years younger to be exact…now since you may not be aware of my exact age today…that made me be two at the time…I was caught shoplifting
The story goes that I was in a store with my Mother…and saw this navy blue plastic belt…with holes all the way around it…of course I wanted it…I must have had a Bertha flare…even then…Mama said…NO…I grabbed the belt…and ran out of the store…and into the street…where there was…probably no traffic…we are talking Moulton in the fifties…anyway…Mama pursued…captured…whipped me with the belt of my dreams…then returned it to the store…
The sales clerk…either desperately needing a sale…or being an indulger of strong-willed children…insisted that Mama buy me the belt…her argument was that I wanted it so badly…I’d risked my life for it…okay…she was dramatic as well…
Mama…on the other hand…said that was exactly why she wouldn’t buy it…and we left the store…
Call it selective memory…I don’t recall the incident at all…but…I do recall the belt…see…several months later…Mama did buy it…and I had it for many years…with all those holes…it fit for almost ever…in fact…if it hadn’t broken…I’d probably still be wearing it today…quit laughing…it would have made a good necklace…but…I digress…
I’m not sure why Mama didn’t just buy me the belt when I wanted it…my guess is…she didn’t have the money at the moment…
But…I’ve learned a valuable lesson from the events of that day…all dreams aren’t instant…no matter how much you want them…no matter how much you try to take things into your own hands and force them…sometimes…you fail…are humiliated…are forced to give up…and then sometimes…sometimes…you get a second chance…
Funny how writing brings out things I wasn’t intending…but…Bertha is here to point out…that this story very much parallels my writing…
I wanted Bertha-Size Your Life to be successful so badly…I risked everything…sold my house…took things into my own hands…tried to force it to happen…but…it didn’t…I was humiliated…I gave up…quit writing for several years…and now…somehow…someway…I’m being given a second chance…I’ve…or should I say…we…have just received a third place Extreme Author Makeover from MasterKoda
Seems that this little navy blue belt…is just my size…


  1. Second chances are the most rewarding. I love your writing! I hope you keep on.

  2. Once again - you are singing my tune... in my case, I call this forcing "Muscling my way through..." and I've been doing it far too long in my life.

    I was watching a video from one of my favorite Yogis (Sadie Nardini), and she was talking about this very topic. She reminded me that when we are trying to force, or shove, or muscle our way through something - we aren't creating the space that's needed for whatever is trying to come through to flow. So we're literally cutting off our own flow.

    I LOVE your reminder here that things are sometimes not instant. This is a great message for me today... 2012 is a big year for me... I have to remember to be still so I can listen, be open so I can flow, and be patient so I can manifest what's trying to come through.

    I'm glad you're writing again - for those of us that need to hug in and get centered on a regular basis... this is a God Send ;)

  3. Belinda...I think you are right...they are most rewarding...probably because we can truly appreciate them..

    I plan to keep writing...thanks for the encouragement!

  4. Jenn...I love Sadie's way of stating that...leaving space for...that sounds so right...thanks for sharing it...

    My grandmother's favorite Bible verse was..."be still and know that I am God" comes to me I am muscling away at life...sometimes I listen...sometimes...I just keep muscling...I'm trying to listen more...

    Thanks for your encouragement...2012 is going to be a BIG year for you...keep going...and then be still...and then keep going...

  5. I can't wait to see you wearing that blue belt. I mean I can't wait to see the makeover!

    Second chances are so sweet because of the knowledge that came from the first.

    Happy 2012 Jane!

  6. are sooo funny...

    Bertha already thinks we're getting new hairstyles...clothes...and of why not get a belt to go with...

    You are so right about second chances...they are sweet...

    Happy 2012 to you as well!

  7. Jane, Your story today is touching. I think that every child has a time in their life that offers temptations, and usually get caught. The whole idea of being given this life, in my opinion, is to be given a chance to see how we must be brave enough to get up and try again when we fail. I have several grandkids and it always amazes me how the babies learn to walk, and keep getting up and almost ignoring their stumbling, they try again and again and again.
    Sometimes, I become so inspired by them that I forget my own fears.
    God bless you for having the courage to share your stories with us. We enjoy them so much!

  8. Thank you so much, Sandra...I think it is so cool how accepting we are of the learning process for babies...encouraging them every time they fall...get back's okay...celebrating each small step...

    But...what's really cool is when we can do it with each other...thanks for being the kind of person who can do that!

  9. Hi Jane,

    Of course I am crying as I read this. I think so many of us have a challenge when it comes to being still. I love this story and I love that I get to be part of your second chance!

    Blessings to you and Bertha!

  10. Jane, you have a bright future ahead of you in writing, that's for sure!
