Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Short Sheeted…

I pretty much own one set of sheets for each bed…and not strictly due to the astronomical cost of nice linens…truth is…I’m inept at folding sheets…well…honestly at folding almost anything…but…sheets in particular…
Okay…here’s how it goes…my top sheets…are somewhat orderly…although the edges rarely line up exactly…my bottom sheets…on the other hand…resemble beach balls…as I attempt to cram them into a shelf…
I’m not sure what happened to thwart my folding skills…perhaps I was frightened by sheets on the line as a child…or fell head first into the laundry hamper at an impressionable age…anything is possible…
I’m getting the image of my first grade domestic report card…with a failing grade in laundry…and the notation…clumsy folder…written in red ink in the margin…I can feel my mother’s pain and shame…I came from a family of neat folders after all…how could this have happened…
Probably the reason I’m no longer married…and didn’t get custody of the Egyptian linens…but I digress…
Now…don’t think I’m lazy…don’t think I haven’t tried…I honestly have…but…after all these years…I’ve finally accepted my limitations…I’m a lot of wonderful things…a folder just isn’t one of them…
So…if you ever come over to spend the night…there are a couple of pillows…a semi-folded top sheet…and a beach ball for the sleeper...in the coat closet…help yourself…and…if wrinkled sheets bother you…there’s an iron in the laundry room…just saying…


  1. Beach Balls are a good desciption Jane! lol! No-one seems to have the time to enjoy our linens anymore... who ever did??! It is time to do other things, I guess! Like paint or sew or design... however, that intimation of a suggestion to come and visit sounds mighty inviting, beach balls or no beach balls! lol! The warm thought to all your followers, in your writing; seems inferred. Makes the blog feel exquisitely comforting, somehow.

  2. Sandra...come on down...I think it's cold...but you might find the Southern temps quite refreshing...

    Thanks for your encouraging words...to bring comfort...what an honor...

  3. Ah! A woman after my own heart LOL! I can't fold sheets either - and it's maddening to even try. We have 2 sets per bed... 1 set that's on the bed, and 1 that's in the laundry basket waiting to be washed... and when one get's washed, it's swapped out for the one on the bed and the cycle continues... I find it keeps my self-esteem in check to not try and fold those blasted things...

    I remember Martha Stewart tried to teach us during one of her shows... it seemed wickedly easy when she did it... some how I just couldn't copy her technique - that's when the laundry basket/on the bed cycle made it's debut in my home... ;)

  4. Jenn...that's a great cycle...I just wash and remake the bed in a couple of hours...

    Watching you do yoga reminds me of your Martha experience...it looks so simple when you do it...I just can't copy your technique...

    Who knew you and Martha had so much in common...
