Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Can You Keep a Secret?

I read Sarah Addison Allen’s The Peach Keeper this weekend…it’s one of those delicious books that makes me want to eat the words with a spoon…and then let them radiate out of me…like sunbeams through a prism…
It’s a soft book…about friendships and family…and home…and leaving and coming back…and staying…and love…of course there was love…and just the right amount of magic…
It’s not self-help…purely fictional…but her writing allows me to think outside of myself…and believe just a little differently…I feel floaty…(I know it’s not a word…but it’s how I feel)…like I know a secret…like I’m somebody I haven’t quite met yet…
I love the way she describes things…I do love words…I love seeing the world through her eyes…and reading the book has changed me…I’m not exactly sure how…but I know it did…all of her books do…
I suppose that is the magic…being transformed in such a gentle way…that you aren’t even totally aware that a change is taking place…or what it is going to be…until…one day it just is…and you just are…
Bertha says that’s the only way to change…in bits and pieces…dribs and drabs…floating…knowing a secret…just letting it happen…
And I know she’s right…I’ve tried the other way…beating myself over the head with a sledge hammer…much too drastic…much too painful…I’d rather feel floaty…like I know a secret…and now…you know the secret too…sssshhhhh...


  1. Having my cup right now...made with an old Corningware Percolator that you cook on the stove. Delicious! I added chocolate mocha creamer. Love your stuff!

  2. Thanks, Ruth! Your coffee sounds better than mine this morning...but...mines feels real good on this cool morning!

  3. Having a cup here in Mexico! Wish you were here. Used my trusty French press, yum. Enjoyed the post and will be putting this book on my "to read" list. Thanks Jane :)

  4. Jane, I
    love the magic in Sarah Addison Allen's writing. As you said, it's "soft" and kind of easy, but the mystical imagery transports me to a place that I like being. I've read her first two books, and have the next two, including The Peach Keeper, on the shelf. Thanks for reminding me!

  5. Cheri...you will love this book...have I sent any of her books home with you?

  6. Linda,

    I've now read all of her books...and I'm hopeful she'll be releasing another one...soon! Garden Spells is honestly my favorite...but I love them all!
